ITG @ SMASH! 2023: The Rhythmic Towers, Act I

An exclusive ITG co-op event and song pack for SMASH! 2023

Saturday 1 July, 10:00 – 16:30

Conquer the Tower

23 floors • 23 songs

Legend has it that at the cusp of a new full supermoon, within the remaining shadows that still exist upon the lunar surface, will appear the Rhythmic Towers – a mysterious structure of resonance, awaiting discovery.

Invisible to the naked eye, its floors seem to only be possible to navigate via the interface of a peculiar device that one stands upon.

Little is known about the details of what lies within. However, it is a fact that, perhaps by sheer chronological fate, there are 23 floors to ascend to the top...

Reveal the secrets of the Rhythmic Tower by playing the 23 songs in the exclusive SMASH! 2023 pack. Each floor that has successfully been "explored" will unlock the next floor for discovery. Exploration difficulty is expected to range from 2 to 12 under the ITG scale.


The discovery process for the Tower is shared. It is even rumoured that on some floors, the key to progressing involves collaborating with other players to be successful in reaching the top...

Prizes will be awarded to recognise those who have reached the furthest (or the top), or have been scrupulous and thorough with their discoveries of the Tower.

Track your progress

Constant link to the cab

All you need is a player tag to identify yourself with. By entering it in after every game, you'll be able to track your scores on this website. Scores are updated every 30 seconds. More information can be found in the Info page.